Professional Fine Art

A New Adventure
I have a very artistic daughter who began as a child winning awards for her work - she's what I call a real artist. When she was in college pursuing her art education, I wanted to encourage her in a particular painting style that I admired. Despite my offers to pay for her lessons, she did not have the time or interest as I did.
Therefore, when I received a sabbatical grant from the Lily Foundation, I decided that this was an opportunity for me to explore that specific style of art.
Impressed and amazed by the work of Susan Sarback, I enrolled in her School of Light and Color in Fair Oaks, California. "There is radiant color inherent in light." she teaches and I learned through my lessons how to see and paint using her method of 'full-color seeing'. Following in the tradition of Impressionist painters such as Monet, I attempt to capture the light and shadows, essence and full color spectrum of my subjects.
Four stages are involved in each painting to recreate the light and shadows, warmth and coolness that radiate from any subject. Using a pallet knife (or working with pastels), this painting technique gives vibrancy and complexity to the work I create.
Since moving to Oklahoma in 2011, my art has been well received - and frequently purchased - when exhibited at the OKEQ in Tulsa, the Canebrake Center in Wagner and Post Oak Lodge in Tulsa.
Having recently retired, I have returned to my easel to re-establish myself through my art. My introduction to and continued education in soft pastels is guided in workshops offered by renowned pastel artist, Greg Stone of Tulsa.
I am a member of Alpha Rho Tau, Tulsa Artists, Tulsa Artist's Coalition, Oklahoma Pastel Society, and Women Artists in Oklahoma Over 40. In 2023, my award-winning works have been exhibited at Liggett Studio, a Tulsa Friday Night Art Crawl, the Post Oak Lodge, Art on Utica Square, and Art @302 in Broken Arrow.
2024 began with a solo exhibit at Grant's Frames in Tulsa. I am again exhibiting in the annual "She Makes Art" at Liggett Studio in Tulsa.